Thursday, June 14, 2012


prometheus movie posterGot a chance to see the Alien "prequel" Prometheus last night with my Archangel Radio compadres, Todd Sylvester and David Renshaw.  I have long been an admirer of director Ridley Scott and (some of) the Alien films.  I had high hopes for this film, especially since it was co-written by Damon Lindelof, the mastermind behind the television series Lost, my favorite series of all time.
I was not disappointed.  The film was well-written, well-paced, suspenseful, smart, and puzzling in all the right ways.  This movie is not for folks who like everything spelled out in black and white.
The film is rated R primarily for some icky sci-fi violence, and would be appropriate for older teens.

Caroline's take:
(Hey - I am the Czarina, right?)  By "older teens" Tom means that he didn't bring Christopher (14) and Peter (12) along.  And y'all know I love to see anything and am not squeamish, but I am NOT seeing this one ... unless Tom bribes me with dinner out beforehand, popcorn during, and Starbucks after.  Heck, I'd even see a dang Sponge Bob movie under those conditions!  But that original Alien film scared the tuna salad out of me as a kid -- right up there with Omen -- and I can't bring myself to go there again!  Don't you remember that spooky trailer:  In Space No One Can Hear You Scream?  The Great Movie Ride at Disney Studios didn't help things ... a nice little boat ride through the Wizard of Oz and then all of a sudden you're in the guts of the spaceship with that alien screeching and spitting goo at you ... no thanks.  I'm saving my money for Brave, coming later in the summer.  Pixar has never let me down.

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