Teacher-y Stuff

LOTS more coming SOON from your Catholic Teacher's Friend!

Free downloads for your classroom, homeschool, or CCD program.
Come back often for updates.

July 2012 Update:  Just found out that Scribd is now charging for downloads!  I have used it for YEARS with no problems, but they just lost my business!  I'm transferring all of my documents to Media Fire, so please try again if you've had trouble downloading these items.  So sorry!  If it still doesn't work for you, let me know in the comments box below and I will email you an attachment.

If your fonts look goofy and you use Chrome or FireFox, you may have to press the compatibility button, the fourth square from the left above the document - it looks like a broken piece of paper ....

"Lord, Teach Us to Pray"

"If You Can't Say Something Nice ..."

Order From Chaos

Print out on cardstock ... I like to mount the mini posters on a piece of scrapbook paper to create a nice border (construction paper works but it fades over time) and laminate!!!!  I love lamination!  If you don't have access to a laminating machine, you can cover it with some clear, shiny contact paper and it will look just as great.  (Get the shiny kind - not the flat, dull finish - comes in a big roll.)

If you need things larger for a big classroom, just enlarge to 11x17 and go from there.

Your Catholic Teacher's Friend,


  1. Caroline,

    These are so perfect for my classroom! I can't wait to print out the Virtues of the Month for next week.

    Thank you!


    1. So glad you can use them ... I'll be posting more soon.

  2. Love the prayer before a test! We say the St. Thomas Aquinas prayer every morning but that doesn't stop my third grader from getting VERY stressed during math tests. I am going to laminate this and post a copy in our dining room.
